Jest Unit Test for Nested Function JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide
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Jest Unit Test for Nested Function JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide

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When it comes to testing JavaScript code, Jest is an excellent choice. However, things can get complicated when dealing with nested functions. In this article, we’ll explore the world of Jest unit testing for nested function JavaScript, providing clear instructions and explanations to help you master this essential skill.

What are Nested Functions in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, a nested function is a function that is defined inside another function. This concept is also known as a closure. Nested functions have access to the outer function’s scope, making them useful for creating private variables and functions.

function outer() {
  let privateVar = 'private';

  function inner() {

  return inner;

const innerFunc = outer();
innerFunc(); // Output: "private"

Why Do We Need to Test Nested Functions?

Testing nested functions is crucial to ensure that your code is working correctly. Here are some reasons why:

  • Code reliability**: Nested functions can be complex and prone to errors. Testing them helps to identify issues early on.
  • Code maintainability**: Well-tested code is easier to maintain and update, reducing the risk of introducing bugs.
  • Code quality**: Writing unit tests for nested functions forces you to think about the expected behavior of your code, leading to better design decisions.

Setting Up Jest for Unit Testing

Before we dive into testing nested functions, let’s set up Jest for unit testing. If you’re using a modern JavaScript project, Jest is likely already included. Otherwise, you can install it using npm or yarn:

npm install --save-dev jest

Create a new file called `sum.js` with the following code:

function sum(a, b) {
  function add(x, y) {
    return x + y;

  return add(a, b);

export default sum;

We’ll use this `sum` function as an example for our unit tests.

Writing Unit Tests for Nested Functions

Now, let’s write our first unit test for the `sum` function. Create a new file called `sum.test.js` with the following code:

import sum from './sum';

describe('sum', () => {
  it('adds two numbers', () => {
    expect(sum(2, 3)).toBe(5);

This test is straightforward, but what about the nested `add` function? How do we test that?

Testing Nested Functions Directly

One approach is to test the nested function directly. We can do this by mocking the outer function and making the inner function accessible:

import sum from './sum';

describe('add', () => {
  it('adds two numbers', () => {
    const outer = jest.fn(() => {
      return (x, y) => x + y;

    const add = outer();
    expect(add(2, 3)).toBe(5);

This approach has its limitations, as we’re not testing the original `sum` function. Instead, we’re creating a mock implementation of the outer function.

Testing Nested Functions Indirectly

A better approach is to test the nested function indirectly by verifying the behavior of the outer function. In our example, we can test that the `sum` function returns the correct result:

import sum from './sum';

describe('sum', () => {
  it('calls the add function with correct arguments', () => {
    const addSpy = jest.spyOn(sum, 'add');
    sum(2, 3);
    expect(addSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(2, 3);

In this example, we’re using a spy to verify that the `add` function is called with the correct arguments. This approach is more realistic, as it tests the actual behavior of the `sum` function.

Best Practices for Testing Nested Functions

When testing nested functions, keep the following best practices in mind:

  1. Test the outer function**: Focus on testing the outer function’s behavior, rather than the inner function directly.
  2. Use spies and mocks judiciously**: Only use spies and mocks when necessary, as they can make your tests more brittle.
  3. Verify the expected behavior**: Ensure that your tests verify the expected behavior of the outer function, rather than just the inner function.
  4. Keep tests simple and focused**: Avoid testing multiple scenarios in a single test.
Best Practice Description
Test the outer function Focus on testing the outer function’s behavior, rather than the inner function directly.
Use spies and mocks judiciously Only use spies and mocks when necessary, as they can make your tests more brittle.


Testing nested functions in JavaScript can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can be a breeze. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to writing comprehensive unit tests for your nested function JavaScript code.

Remember to focus on testing the outer function’s behavior, and use spies and mocks judiciously. With Jest, you have the power to write robust unit tests that ensure your code is reliable, maintainable, and of high quality.

So, what are you waiting for? Start writing those unit tests today and take your JavaScript coding skills to the next level!

Frequently Asked Questions

Nested functions in JavaScript can be a bit tricky to test, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions about Jest unit testing for nested functions:

How do I test a nested function in Jest?

To test a nested function in Jest, you need to first expose the nested function to the outer scope. You can do this by returning the nested function from the outer function. Then, you can test the nested function like any other function. For example, if you have a function `outer` with a nested function `inner`, you can test `inner` like this: `expect(outer().inner()).toBeUndefined();`

Can I mock a nested function in Jest?

Yes, you can mock a nested function in Jest using a library like `jest.mock` or `jest.spyOn`. However, you need to make sure the nested function is exposed to the outer scope, as mentioned earlier. Once you’ve exposed the nested function, you can mock it like any other function. For example, you can use `jest.spyOn` to mock the `inner` function like this: `jest.spyOn(outer(), ‘inner’).mockImplementation(() => { /* mock implementation */ });`

How do I test a nested function with asynchronous code?

Testing a nested function with asynchronous code can be a bit tricky. One way to do it is to use `jest.useFakeTimers` to fake the timer functions like `setTimeout` or `setInterval`. Then, you can use `await` to wait for the asynchronous code to finish executing. For example, if your nested function uses `setTimeout` to execute some code after 100ms, you can test it like this: `jest.useFakeTimers(); await outer().inner(); expect(someAsyncCode).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);`

Can I test a nested function with dependencies?

Yes, you can test a nested function with dependencies in Jest. One way to do it is to use a mocking library like `jest.mock` to mock the dependencies. For example, if your nested function depends on a module `myModule`, you can mock it like this: `jest.mock(‘myModule’, () => ({ /* mock implementation */ }));`. Then, you can test the nested function as usual.

What are some best practices for testing nested functions in Jest?

Some best practices for testing nested functions in Jest include: exposing the nested function to the outer scope, using mocking libraries to mock dependencies, and using `jest.useFakeTimers` to fake timer functions. Additionally, it’s a good idea to keep your tests simple and focused on a specific piece of functionality, and to use descriptive names for your tests and variables.

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